Monday 16 May 2011

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Basically (other than this animation that I want to finish in time for the final show - 3 weeks?) finished the degree the other day.  Quite strange.  Have returned to Yorkshire for a few days to visit the folks and the menagerie and have a bit of a woah (that's right) which included a rather nice day at Yorkshire Sculpture Park on Friday.  Evidently, I took more photos of trees and sheep than I did of actual sculptures; well worth a visit.

Quick scans, excuse the quality.

This photo of Boris turned up on the camera as well.  He's a good one.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Long time no see Jamie. I'm a big fan of the one with the concrete and the water, its very nice but i can't describe why. And Boris is extremely handsome. I miss my cats.

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